Beads and Jewelry Link Exchange

Only "quality" website which is related to bead & jewelry industry will be added to the directory.

Please follow submission guidelines. Field marked with * is required.

  • Directory: Choose the appropriate category that describes your website.
  • Title: Website or company name, only. No promotional keyword(s). No over capitalization of words.
  • Description: Very short and informative description of your website/business offerings with state and country code. Again, no promotional keyword(s) and no over capitalization of words.
  • URL: Homepage URL, only. No inner pages. Please write website address in "http://www." format to validate.
  • Reciprocal URL: Back link (provided below in a box) is required before submitting this form. Your website URL and reciprocal URL must be from the same domain. Please write website address in "http://www." format to validate.

We are not accepting more orders at the moment. Sorry for the inconvenience.

To validate the reciprocal link please include the following HTML code in the page at the URL specified above, before submitting this form.
This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
Copy the characters (respecting upper/lower case) from the image.